Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good morning world,

Day off Breakfast
Shiitake mushroom omelette with homemade chicken sausage, roasted eggplant, zucchini and sweet onion.

Did I mention that I love my day-off breakfasts?  Get up, have a coffee or tea, then put together a fabulous breakfast.  I like savory breakfast, with veggies, some kind of egg and salsa or chutney.

I have a few projects in the works i thought I would put in the blog today.  More as a process of accountability on my part so I complete them.  They are experiments, I have never tried them before.

Project 1.  making Limoncello
I have 2 quart-size glass jars with 80 proof vodka (I think it should be 100 proof).  I put in each jar 8-10 Meyer lemons I buy at Pikes Market.  I one jar, I peeled the lemons with a potato peeler in long strips and the second, I used a zester or microplane.  The test will be, which one has the strongest lemon flavor.  They have been steeping for almost a month.  I will wait until next week, and then make the simple syrup and combine...I will keep you posted on the results.  Please see below for information about this refreshing after dinner drink.

Limoncello (Italian pronunciation: [limonˈtʃɛllo]) is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentine Peninsula and the coast of Amalfi and islands of Procida,Ischia and Capri.[1] It is also produced in SicilySardiniaMenton in France, and the Maltese island of Gozo. Though there is debate about the exact origin of the drink, it is at least one hundred years old.[2][3]
Traditionally, it is made from the zest of Femminello St. Teresa lemons, that are also known as Sorrento lemons.[3][4] Lemon zest, or peels without the pith, are steeped in grain alcohol until the oil is released. The resulting yellow liquid is then mixed with simple syrup. Clarity and viscosity are affected by factors like the relative temperatures of the two liquids. Most lemons, including the more-common Eureka lemon, will produce satisfactory limoncello.

Limoncello Bottles view from top


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